Relax Hemp CBD Flower Blend


What is a CBD smoking blend?
Our Relax Hemp CBD Flower Smoking Blend is a small-batch infusion of hemp flower + medicinal herbs and botanicals. Relax is a lucid dreaming blend, encouraging a deeper sense of oneness while helping access lucid dreaming through hemp. It’s designed with herbs such as Mugwort, Calea and Wild Dagga, alongside some of the finest hemp in Oregon.


What’s inside The Brothers Relax CBD blend?
Relax uses three unique herbs in its formulation, picked for their uses related to dreaming and restfulness:

The recipe begins with Mugwort (artemisia vulgaris), which has commonly been used for flavoring foods and beverages. It also has a deep and rich history in folklore, often used to encourage dreaming and frequently found growing along the sides of riverbanks. Commonly, it can be made into a tea for brewing, but it also can be burned into incense as well. Some uses incorporate Mugwort into the creation of dream pillows.

Next, Calea, also known as the “Dream herb”, is a dark butter grass that primarily grows in Mexico. It has been used for indigenous groups to enhance dreams. Calea is often smoked in a pipe, but it can also be brewed into a tea.

The final ingredient in our Relax Hemp CBD blend is Wild Dagga (Leonotis leonurus), also known as lion’s tail. Wild Dagga is a broad leaf plant in the mint family, native to South Africa. It is commonly used for traditional medicine, with infusions made from the flowers and seeds. Wild Dagga is commonly used to inspire a sense of calm. It is often used as an alternative to marijuana, with euphoric-like effects and feelings of exuberance. Wild Dagga is also able to heighten the benefits of the other herbs and botanicals in this smoking blend.


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